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Before meeting me, please review and complete the appropriate forms below. You can email your forms to with the understanding that email is not a confidential form of communication, mail them, or bring them to your appointment.

forms for 

Please complete the appropriate forms and provide them to me by email, mail, or in-person. All clients need to complete the consent form and appropriate intake form.

for review

These forms are for review only.

Z image final_edited.png

Consent form signature page. For the full text, see the Consent Form in the Review Only section.

Adult Intake Form. For individual clients over the age of eighteen

Minor/Child Intake Form. To be completed by a parent and the minor/child

Athlete Intake Form. Can be completed by the athlete. parent, or together

Couples Intake Form. To be completed by both members of the relationship

: Full text for review only

HIPAA Disclosure 

Outpatient disclosure trifold


Daniel M Zimet, PhD CMPC

Zimet Wellness LLC

9520 Berger Road, Suite #203

Columbia, MD 21046


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